On Jul 11, 2009, at 6:23 PM, adelaide_mike wrote:

> Thanks Alex.
> A simpler way out would be if the agent field, which is a foreign key
> pick list, could be caused to show only those values I determine
> dynamically.
> Is this possible  in a ModelForm?
> Mke

If I understand correctly, what would help you is to add that 'agent'  
field to the exclude tuple of your model form and add another  
ChoiceField, setting its 'choices' dynamically in the __init__ of your  

Something vaguely like this:

class ListingForm(forms.ModelForm):

     agent_id = forms.ChoiceField()

     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         realtor = kwargs.pop('realtor')
         super(ListingForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         agent_choices = [('', '--SELECT AGENT--')] + [(str(x.id),  
x.name) for x in realtor.agent_set.all()]
         self.fields['agent_id'].choices = agent_choices

     class Meta:
         model = Listing
         exclude = ('agent',)

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