The first pre-release of FileBrowser 3 is out now.

The Source is currently available as a Branch:

Please read the Documentation, because a lot has changed:

Testing and Feedback is very much appreciated.

A list of the most import changes compared with Version 2:
- New FileObject.
- Versions are generated "on the fly" - generating Versions on Upload
is no longer necessary/possible.
- New URL configuration: Directories are now passed via query-string.
So, the restriction for folder-names is gone.
- FileBrowseField returns a FileObject (instead of a string).
- New attribute "format" for FileBrowseField. With using "format", it
is possible to limit the selection to different filetypes.
- Versions/Thumbnails can be stored in a seperate directory.
- Overwrite files on Upload (filename is checked via ajax).
- sorl-thumbnail is no longer needed.
- DEBUG-Mode in order to display FileObjects in the Admin-Interface.
- Some settings have changed (see Available Settings).
- New Version-settings should be more flexible.
- Better Code (hopefully).

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