On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 13:41 -0700, Streamweaver wrote:
> Let me clarify. This method handles the RequestContext obviously since
> it's a login but what I mean is the SCRIPT_NAME variable isn't set for
> the template and can't be read as far as I can tell.

Nothing is automatically set for a template. If you want access to a
particular quantity in a template, pass it in. You could even create a
context processor if you want it every time. Typically, SCRIPT_NAME is
*not* required in templates, since things like the url template tag
already handle it automatically and constructing the correct URL for
many things is more complex than just crashing together a few strings,
so it tends to be done via template tags or in views. Thus, SCRIPT_NAME
isn't a likely candidate for something that would be passed in all the


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