Hi Peter,

Thanks for your input, but I am afraid to say that you are indeed
wrong =( Ha.

The user that I am trying to login as (me) has superuser premissions;
by no errors, I mean that I get a plain login form - no red box
telling me something went wrong.

Thanks again for the input, and I'll grab a look at your app if I have
time, although I can't promise to be of much help, as I had help from
my department's LDAP guy to get the sasl bind working.

Meanwhile, the mystery continues - any other suggestions, folks?

On Aug 12, 11:48 am, Peter Herndon <tphern...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/12/2009 11:17 AM, stupidgeek wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm having a strange problem. I wrote a basic LDAP backend, to
> > authenticate users against our open directory server:
> > [snip]
> > Note that the print user line works, so a valid user is being
> > returned, meaning the bind works just fine.
> > The problem I am getting is that the GET /admin/ is returning me to
> > the login form, without any errors, over and over. A login using a
> > user from the django db works without a problem.
> > Any suggestions?
> Hi Brenton,
> Your GET /admin/ is returning "without any errors".  By that, do you
> mean that it is sending you back to the login form and telling you to
> input a *correct* username and password?  If so, the thing I ran into
> with this is that the django.contrib.auth.models.User model has two
> attributes, is_staff and is_superuser.  If you are NOT setting at least
> is_staff = True, then your user is not allowed to access the admin,
> period, and you'll never get past the login screen.  If you go into
> /admin/ as an actual admin user, you'll likely see your user created in
> the Users section, but with no staff or superuser permissions.
> I actually very recently wrote an app to help with this sort of 
> thing,http://code.google.com/p/django-ldap-groups/, though I haven't targeted
> Open Directory or LDAP servers using SASL auth.  I'd be happy to work
> with you to add Open Directory to the list of supported servers.
> It is very new (about a week old or so), and has boogs, but I'd love to
> see if it helps your problem.
> (Of course, the fun part about LDAP is that my diagnosis may be entirely
> wrong, too...  ;)
> Regards,
> ---Peter Herndon
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