On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 04:55 -0700, Evgeny wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some fields in a model which are filled in by before_insert
> trigger.
> Is there any right way to autorefresh them after the object is
> inserted, besides requesting a new instance of the object by
> model.objects.get() method?

You have one perfectly good method and you want another one instead? :-)

Seriously, use get(pk=my_obj.pk). It's designed to retrieve single
instances from the database. You could do

        filter(id=my_obj.pk).values("field_1", "field_2", ...)
but it's not going to be significantly faster unless your model has
massive fields (leading to other problems) and it reads a bit less
comprehensibly in the code.


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