Hi All,

Just a quick query to see if anyone has any ideas on this one.

I have a model in my application that inherits from the django User
model.  In the admin site, without any extra configuration (just using
ModelAdmin), I get a standard edit form with the custom model's fields
as well as the django User fields.

The problem that I have is that a "change password" link is generated
(which is desirable), but the url is not routed properly - resulting
in an error.  The url looks like "/CustomModel/id/password".  Digging
around in /contrib/auth/admin.py (working off of memory :P) it looks
like UserAdmin does some voodu magic to hijack the request and execute
some "view logic" in the case of a url that looks like a password
change request.

It looks something like this (psuedocode):

     // inside of __call__ method
     if url is a password url:
          return result of change password method call on UserAdmin
          delegate to base class

I can get the change password form to work by simply using the
UserAdmin class, but it explicitly defined the fieldsets (which of
course don't include my custom fields).  As a side note, might it be
possible to define the fieldsets in __init__?  I was under the
impression that the fieldsets are metadata for the class not the
instance.  Even if this is the case I believe I would still have to
duplicate the User model fieldsets.

Multiple inheritance doesn't seem to work (not surprisingly), and I
wouldn't be thrilled about that approach anyway.

So, my "solution" was to duplicate this logic in my admin class, and
it works just fine now.  Anyone have any better ideas?
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