On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Michael Feingold <mfeing...@hill30.com>wrote:

> I am somewhat confused about the semantics for nested block
> definitions.Let me explain:
> {% block %} tag serves two purposes a) define a hole (along with the
> default value) to be filled later and b) define the content to replace
> the current value of the hole.
> As long as we are talking about a) I perfectly understand and have no
> problems with the block tag being nested inside any other tag -
> including for, if, and block itself - anything. If a new value is
> supplied for the block it just placed there instead of whatever is
> already there.
> Now with b) I am lost. For example, what is the meaning of this:
> === Base Template ===
> ...
> {% block a %}
> ...
> {% endblock %}
> ...
> === Derived Template ===
> {%extends "Base Template" %)
> {% for i in list %}
> {% block a %}
> current value={{i}}
> {% endblock %}
> {% endfor %}
> =====
> What value will be placed in the result?

What happened when you tried it?  What I'd expect would be that you'd get an
"a" block placed in the proper spot in the parent template that contains:

current value=

The {% for %} and {% endfor %} appear outside of a {% block %} tag in the
child template, so they are for all intents and purposes not there.  Well,
they are there (you'll get a template syntax error, for example, if you
leave off the {% endfor %}) but they have no place to go in the parent
template.  Only the text contained in the {% block a %} from the child
template is placed in the parent template, and that text does not contain
anything that assigns a value to i, so unless i has a value from some other
assignment (for example if it is in the base context for rendering), there
will be no value found to render for {{i}} from the child template.

is this even a valid
> construction?
It won't be reported as an error but anything outside of a {% block %} tag
in a child template is usually a mistake.  I don't know enough about the
template engine to comment on why such stuff isn't reported as an error.
There may be a good reason for it, I don't know.


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