I have several Django applications running and I am trying to tidu up
some code.

I am trying to make a generic way of viewing a database table on a web
page using a YUI control.

I am using the Django template to attempt to create the required
javascript for the YUI controls.

I become a bit stuck, in that I can't seem to iterate over the fields
in a record in a Django template.

For example I have a project table as follows:

class projects(models.Model):
    projectName                 = models.CharField('Project Name', 
    projectDescription  = models.TextField('Project Description',
    projectManager              = models.CharField('Project Manager',
max_length=50, null=True)
    projectOwner                = models.CharField('Project Owner', 
    projectDate         = models.DateField('Project Date',
    projectHidden               = models.BooleanField('Project Hidden', 

Then there is a Django view that is used to get the data to render, in
that I get a list of all the projects:

 projList = projects.objects.all()

projList is then passed into the function that renders the page.

I can go through each record in the projList using:

{% for projectItem in projList %}
{% endfor %}

However I can't seem to go through each field in an individual record
for example this doesn't work:

{% for projectItem in projList %}
    {% for fieldval in projectItem.fields %}
        {{fieldval.name }} -:-
{{ fiieldVal.str }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This doesn't cause an error but it doesn't produce any output.

I can access the fields using the field names

{% for projectItem in projList %}
    {{ projList.projectName }}
{% endfor %}

This produces an output but this gets away from the point of making a
generic function..

Is this possible? Is this because the fields are not bound to a form's

Any help or advice would be greatly apprecriated!


Paul Lundberg

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