This problem turned out to be an application issue. I am using GeoDjango and
calling buffer() with a negative value which caused problems on certain
polygons for the underlying GEOS library. Thanks to everyone who responded
off list.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Leo Shklovskii <>wrote:

> I've got a strange problem that I've been trying to figure out over the
> past few days with apache suddenly taking up 100% of memory and swap,
> effectively killing the server.
> The setup is:
> Ubuntu Jaunty (fully updated)
> nginx/0.6.35 serving static and proxying to:
> Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu)
> mod_wsgi
> Python 2.6.2
> Django 1.1
> Postgres/PostGIS DB on a different box
> This is running on a slicehost 512 slice. The application is fairly simple
> and only gets ~200 real hits a day + the usual bot traffic.
> The workers config is set to:
> <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
>     StartServers          2
>     MinSpareServers       2
>     MaxSpareServers       5
>     MaxClients           30
>     MaxRequestsPerChild 300
>     ServerLimit          30
> </IfModule>
> Several times over the past few days, I'll get an alarm that the time to
> serve an http request has spiked (usually its .25 seconds) to 5 or 10
> seconds and looking at the munin monitoring immediately reveals that the
> swap has been completely filled:
> Jumping on the machine and looking at top show the apache completely
> sucking up all memory. Restarting it fixes the problem but I'd really love
> to be able to figure out what's going on.
> There's nothing useful or out of the ordinary in syslog, apache_access and
> absolutely nothing in apache_error.
> Has anyone else seen something like this before? or have suggestions on how
> to figure out what the issue is?
> My current plan is to try and get a gcore when its in this wedged state and
> see if I can figure out something with gdb, but I'm not quite sure how to do
> that.
> Any thoughts or ideas from those who have more experience with this would
> be very much appreciated!
> --
> --Leo

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