I've recently been in discussion about which is better to have.

http://media.example.com OR

1) The first method, I've been told, allows you to make more requests.
IE for example can only make like 4 requests at a given time on a
given domain. but, if you use sub-domains, you can make additional
requests (4 additional in the example of IE).

2) The second method is a more canonical approach and to me is the
preferred approach. The person arguing this point says that the
additional requests cannot be made on sub-domains b/c browsers issue X
amount of requests on a per domain basis therefore sub-domains do
create additional requests.

I've also been told that these arguments are really not that big of a

Which method should I adopt? I personally like the second method, but
if it will effect performance/ loading times at all then I should go
with the first method. I will be serving things like media and API's
on a separate server or instance. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance for input.
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