I have a (simplified) model

class Incident(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    when_reported = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    reporter = models.ForeignKey(User)

Where User is from auth.  When used with a ModelForm, this creates a popup 
button with a list of users.  I want it to default to the currently logged in 
user so in my view I have:

def new_incident(request):
   form = IncidentForm(initial={
            'reporter': request.user,
            'title': 'New Incident',
            'when_reported' : datetime.now(),

    media = form.media
    return render_to_response('incidents/new.html',{'form': form, 'media': 

However the popup button's selection is never set to the current logged in 
user.  I have rendered the current logged in user's name elsewhere on the page, 
it is set.  But the popup selector isn't getting its selection set right.  Any 

-Todd Blanchard


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