
The ordering meta option on my model did the trick. Thanks for the


On Nov 25, 1:50 pm, Tim Valenta <tonightslasts...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, you've got a couple of options.  One is easiest and most
> straightforward, but could impact performance.  The second is a little
> bit more work, but would limit the ordering to only taking effect on
> that one form.
> The first way is to use the Meta option `ordering = ('fieldname',)`,
> as described 
> here:http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/options/#ordering
> Bare in mind that this will passively affect ALL queries you do to
> that model's objects, unless you specifically tell it not to order
> during the query.  If you think that you'll *always* want that sort
> order to take effect, then this is the preferred method of
> accomplishing that.
> The second way is to intercept the form's queryset powering the
> widget.  If you're not using Form objects with your admin (ie, you're
> just specifying 'fields' or 'fieldsets' on your ModelAdmin), then
> you'll have to take a quick sidequest:
> Create a class somewhere (preferably in your app's directory, in a
> "forms.py" file or something obvious) like so:
>     from django import forms
>     from models import MyModel
>     class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
>         class Meta:
>             model = MyModel
>         def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>             forms.ModelForm.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
>             self.fields['myfieldname'].queryset =
> MyModel.objects.order_by('custom_sort_field_name')
> And then back in your ModelAdmin, add this attribute to the class:
>     # ...
>     from forms import MyModelForm
>     form = MyModelForm
> This will cause the admin to use *your* form instead of the default.
> What I've done is created a form which simply hijacks the queryset on
> 'myfieldname' (the field you're trying to sort), and alters it before
> the widget has a chance to render itself.
> Both methods are effective, but be sure to consider my initial
> statement, about performance impact.  Pick the method that strikes the
> balance in your mind between performance and practicality.
> Hope that helps!
> On Nov 25, 1:06 pm, rc <reedcr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have configured a modeladmin which uses the filter_horizontal
> > feature. I would like to be able to order left side of this feature by
> > name instead of the default (which I believe is by id). Is this
> > possible? I see how to use "ordering" in the display for change lists,
> > but not sure how to apply that to the 'left' side data of the
> > filter_horizontal.


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