having a different admin site instance won´t help you much with this
issue. I´d say ... go with what you have. if someday you need to
customize the admin-site, create your own admin site or even subclass
djangos AdminSite.


On 1 Dez., 03:52, Brian Neal <bgn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On my site, users submit content that needs to be approved before
> getting published. Thus I wanted a simple "dashboard" on the admin
> page to show me how many pending items from each model are waiting for
> approval. I created a template tag for the dashboard. I then mulled my
> options for getting this template tag on the admin index page. Here is
> what I came up with and I'd like some feedback.
> Reading the Django docs, it says that if you want to change the index
> page, "you are better off creating your own AdminSite instance [...],
> and changing the AdminSite.index_template". [1]
> I started research that option, but I didn't need any custom behavior
> from my admin site, and I already have about a dozen applications that
> have admin.py files and are they are registering with the default
> admin site.
> So in my main urls.py file, right before the admin.autodiscover()
> call, I just did this:
> admin.site.index_template = 'admin/custom_index.html'
> admin.autodiscover()
> I then created my own template file in one of my TEMPLATE_DIRS called
> 'admin/custom_index.html" that extends 'admin/index.html'. I ended up
> copying the {% block content %} from the admin/index.html and
> inserting my template tag into it.
> It works great but I can't help but be haunted by that "you are better
> off creating your own AdminSite instance" bit. Am I missing something
> by not doing that?
> Thanks!
> [1]http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/#root-and-logi...


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