On Dec 1, 1:57 pm, stargazer <stranger....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying the famous Django 
> tutorial:http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/intro/
> Playing with "polls" and "choices" I see lot of SQL queries this
> application creates. Actually, I just selected a list of polls
> than selected the poll with ID=2, than voted for a choice.
> Here are details (SQL's recorded using "debug_toolbar", may be a
> database log will show something else):
> It seems, same records are selected several time.
> With some sort of caching this could be greatly improved.
> May be some built-in Django tools (like select_related()? )  can help
> here?
> I now, number of cache implementations exists
> (like thishttp://github.com/mmalone/django-caching/ and 
> thishttp://github.com/dcramer/django-orm-cache)
> but I would like to use built-in Django instruments first.

Caching isn't the issue here, it's a matter of writing the queries
properly. Yes, select_related will help.

But you can't expect the tutorial to explain these concepts - it's
supposed to be a very basic introduction to using Django, and doesn't
go into detail. The full explanation of how to make queries is in the
actual documentation.


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