Hello John and Daniel, thanks for your replies. Let me tell what I
need in more details.

{% for value in data %}
                   {% ifequal all_domain 1 %}
                          class="odd" id="{{value.publisher}}"  ????
"showDomain('{{value.publisher}}', '{{value.country}}');"
                   {% else %}
                          class="odd" id="{{value.publisher}}"
"showDomain('{{value.publisher}}', '{{value.country}}');"

                   {% endifequal %}

{% endfor %}

Here "showDomain(...)" is ajax. There are many lines of records on the
webpage. If I click a line, then just below this line it shows domain
related information. This is realized with the "onclick=..." in the

Now my question is: if I want to show all domain related information
for each line without clicking any lines, how can I do it?

Here is an example. On my webpage I have
-------- line 1 ------------------------
-------- line 2 ------------------------
-------- line 3 ------------------------

If I click "line 2", then I get
-------- line 1 ------------------------
-------- line 2 ------------------------
======== line 2 related domain =========
-------- line 3 ------------------------

Now I do not want to click any lines, however I want to show all
domain related information when a browser loads this data. It should
look like

-------- line 1 ------------------------
======== line 1 related domain =========
-------- line 2 ------------------------
======== line 2 related domain =========
-------- line 3 ------------------------
======== line 3 related domain =========

Is this clear?

Any suggestions?

Thanks so much.


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