You can use a hidden input in the for as a way of holding the link or
id/ct of an object so you can determine where to redirect to. If the
action is repetitive and you have a pretty good idea of where you to
redirect to, I would think that is a simple solution.

This is what django's comment app does, allowing you to redirect users
where you want after you submit a comment. Maybe peek in side of that
to see how it was done?

On Dec 4, 8:29 am, jwpeddle <> wrote:
> I am currently trying to write a custom generic comment app and
> growing increasingly frustrated with template tags. As far as I can
> tell, template tags are the only mechanism provided that allow pieces
> of logic to be shared across templates. Nonetheless, you cannot treat
> them like a view, and cannot do things like redirect. Someone asking
> about essentially the exact same thing two years ago 
> here:
> and Malcolm commented that this was unusual and that isn't what
> template tags are for and the logic should go in a view.
> This isn't a satisfactory answer for me because the form logic in
> question is identical regardless of the view/object. Why should anyone
> be expected to duplicate form logic all over the project when it works
> perfectly in a template tag without adding any repetitive code. The
> only downside, as least in my case, is that I cannot redirect.
> Here's my basic tag:
> I'd like to know why my thinking is flawed and where I can actually
> put this logic without cluttering up every view that needs a comment
> form.


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