On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Piotr Czachur <zim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys,
> I was really unhappy to see how slow fixtures are loaded before every
> test. I'm not talking about initial_data stuff that is loaded just in
> beginning, and then reset by rollback. Fixtures used for unit tests
> are loaded on demand (fixtures = [f1, f2]), and this is really slow,
> because thousands of SQL queries going to database (SELECTs, SELECTs,
> For my small test suite (130 tests) and small fixtures (15 items) I've
> recorded ~16000 queries to database - I was really blown away by this
> number. 99% of this queries was related to fixtures loading.

We are well aware of the speed problems associated with fixture setup
and teardown during testing. We're open to any practical suggestions
on how to speed them up.

> So I came to conclusion that I can load my all fixtures just after
> initial_data fixtures are loaded at beginning, so database rollback
> can be used by Django test infrastructure to reset database state in a
> fraction of second.

This might work for your particular test suite, but it isn't that
simple in the general case. More details in a moment.

> Question:
> Like you see I decorated and overwrote create_test_db, but what I
> don't like here is that I had to add "setup_environ(settings)" to
> prevent getting exception, because Django was not initialized at this
> moment.
> execute_manager(settings) also runs setup_environ(settings) so it is
> run twice.
> Is there a better place/time to execute such overwriting? ...because I
> see this little tricky.

Yes - rather than dynamically monkeypatching, write a custom test
runner [1] that calls into your customized create/destroy routines.

[1] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/testing/#defining-a-test-runner

> P.S.
> The side effect was that I have to remove all "fixture = [a,b,c]" from
> my tests, because I have all fixtures loaded at beginning before tests
> are run - but I cannot see this as a problem.

This is a little more than a 'side effect' - it's a fundamental change
to the expectations of test cases. The major reason to use fixture=[]
notation is to allow every test case to have it's own test fixtures.

This isn't just a good idea - it's a fundamental requirement for
certain types of tests. For example, consider a simple suite with two
tests that validate that an article list displays correctly. The first
test validates that the list displays when articles are defined; the
second test validates that error text is displayed when no articles
are defined. The test fixture requirements for the two tests cannot be
accommodated in a single set of suite-wide test fixtures.

As I said, we're more than happy to look at any proposal to improve
the speed of testing in Django, but those changes can't come at the
cost of fundamentally changing what it means to write a test.

Russ Magee %-)
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