Hi people,

I am having some problem to validate a data in my application. I will try to
simply the model in here to help you guys to understand the problem.
I have 2 models:

class Clip(models.Model):
    is_approved = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    language = models.ForeignKey(Language)

class ClipDescription(models.Model):
    clip = models.ForeignKey(Clip)
    text = models.TextField()
    language = models.ForeignKey(Language)

I am editing via ModelAdmin. I defined a ClipModelAdmin class as above

class ClipAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [

So, as you can see, both Clip and ClipDescription are edited in the same
page (using the 'inlines' feature).

But the rule is: if the user trigger the 'Save' action, the attribute
Clip.is_approved can be True only if there is a ClipDescription instance
associated to the Clip instance, having the same language. For example, if I
have a clip with id=1, language=english and is_approved=True, it can be
saved only if there is a clip description with clip_id=1, language=english.
If not, I want to show the error message 'Cannot approve this clip without
having a description in English' in the form.

I have already read the official documentation and tried to work with
validators, tried to define a ModelForm and its clean_is_approved method,
among other workarounds. And I still couldn't make this work. The problem is
at the clean_is_approved context I couldn't figure out how to get access to
the form data that is being entered at that moment, to retrieve the Clip

I don't if I was clear enough, I can give more details. Any ideas and
suggestions will be very appreciated.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Kind regards,


Gabriel de Carvalho Nogueira Reis
Software Developer
+44 7907 823942
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