Hi all,

        I finally put my first, little django site in production. This was my
first work in django after several php site (cake, zend, joomla, magento
and so on...).

I take a VPS Hosting with Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit - the same linux distro I
use for work and try to put in production the site with apache -
mod_python. For the db (since I host a cms with flatpage for the moment)
I use sqlite3.

The problem was that when I put the project onto the server my config
for serving media, admin_media and tiny_mce initially don't function,
until I create in settings.py a couple of constant with absolute path.

Now all work, but I want to learn how to use continuos integration and
having different machine to host my DBs (MySQL or PostgresSQL),
Mercurial repositories and CI server and staging and production site in
a consistent way, when my work grow.....so, what can I post to you for
let me know what was eventually wrong with my configuration?

Thanks in advance!


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