On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Andy Cottell <cotta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > I am new to django, and have started building a project in it. I have
>> > > tried to use theadmininterface with the project am having issues
>> > > logging in. I have setup the interface as instruced in the django
>> > > tutorial part 2, and created a new superuser and cannot use it to log
>> > > in. The user is always rejected with "Please enter a correct username
>> > > and password. Note that both fields are case-sensitive." I am using an
>> > > SQlite3 database.

> Bump!

I'm really not sure what answer you are expecting. The error message
is telling you what is wrong - the username/password combination you
are using isn't valid.

 * You aren't using the username you specified,
 * You aren't using the password you specified, or
 * You haven't created a superuser account

The only source of confusion I can think that might exist is if you
think that once you have created a superuser for the tutorial, you
don't need to create one for the superuser for your own project.

By way of diagnosis beyond this, you haven't given us much to work
with. Have you been able to successfully complete the tutorial? How
did you go about creating your superuser account (noting that Tutorial
2 doesn't actually contain *any* instructions for creating a superuser
- the superuser is created in Tutorial 1)? Have you tried creating
*another* superuser account (using the instructions linked in Tutorial

Russ Magee %-)

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