On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Paul Rubel <pru...@bbn.com> wrote:

> [snip]

I can't get a test.client.Client.post()s raw_post_data to match what I
> get using my browser and the test throws an exception about reading
> more than the available bytes.
> Printing out the raw_post_data when my app is running under
> './manage.py runserver'
>   stderr.write( request.raw_post_data)
> I see the following:
>   form-TOTAL_FORMS=2&form-INITIAL_FORMS=2&form-0-id=0&\
>   form-0-remove=on&form-1-id=2

You don't mention where this data is coming from. Based on that value, I
guess it's a browser posting a  <form> that has no enctype specified,
therefore the enctype is defaulting to
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (see:

> [snip]
> However, when I try to post in a test using the following code
>        raw_post =
> 'form-TOTAL_FORMS=2&form-INITIAL_FORMS=2&form-0-id=0&form-0-remove=on&form-1-id=2'
>        bits = raw_post.split('&')
>        post_data = {}
>        for x in bits:
>            k,v = x.split('=', 1)
>            post_data[k] = v
>        print post_data
>        c = Client()
>        response = c.post('/profile/sw/0/remove_packages/', post_data)
Here you have not specified a content_type for the test client post(). The
test client does not default to sending the content as
application/x-www-form-urlencoded, rather it defaults
to multipart/form-data. That accounts for the difference in what is in the
raw_post_data in your view.

Is your view really processing raw_post_data instead of using request.POST?
If so then you probably want to specify
content_type='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' on your c.post() call, and
you want to pass in raw_post, not the post_data dictionary you create from
it, because when you specify a content_type other than multipart/form-data
then the test client just passes the post data as-is and does not attempt to
format it in any particular way. See:


(Also, if you are actually using raw_post_data in your view instead of
request.POST I am wondering why, but that is beside the point of what you
are asking about here.)

> I get the following from the raw_post_data when running under
> ./manage.py test. What am I missing?
>   raw data coming up:
>   --BoUnDaRyStRiNg
>   Content-Disposition: form-data; name="form-0-remove"
> [snip more]

This is what that data looks like when it is encoded as multipart/form-data
rather than application/x-www-form-urlencoded. (If your view used
request.POST you would not care about this difference, the request.POST
dictionary would be built properly based on the supplied content type.)

> My code bails with the following exception:
> [snip]

HTTP incoming data."
> AssertionError: Cannot read more than the available bytes from the HTTP
> incoming data.
This happens, for example, when you try to access POST data encoded as
multipart/form-data using both raw_post_data and then request.POST -- this
results in an attempt to read the data twice. You don't say exactly what
code generated this exception so I'm not sure if that is exactly what has
caused the problem here, but it is likely something like that. There is a
ticket open on this problem: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/12522.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, is there a way to get the
> output of print statements in my view visible while running the tests
> or do I need to use a logger?
Not sure why you don't see prints placed in views when running tests. They
show up on the console with all the other output for me.


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