Hi Jon,

I have used this very successfully:


The demo is here:


One thing that differentiates it from the jquery autocomplete package
is that it allows you to specify multiple selections, which was
something I needed.  It also comes with css that gives it a very nice
look and feel.

I had almost no jquery experience at the time I started with it and
was able to get it to work very well.  That said, there are a bunch of
people that continue to ask for help or report problems, and the
author doesn't really seem to respond, so it is not well supported and
if you need enhancements, you have to dive in and understand the code.


On Feb 13, 2:46 pm, Jon Loeliger <j...@jdl.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> For likely the umpteenth time, can someone recommend a good
> AJAX auto completion tutorial or example that I might use
> to crib-together a text-field selection that would otherwise
> be a very large drop-down selection field?
> My use case would be essentially like having a table full
> of say, recipie ingredients, and letting the user select
> which one to add into a recipe.  I'd like to have the user
> simply start typing a few first characters and then let an
> autocompleter search for matches and present them to the user.
> The source of the matches would be a "Name" TextField in
> some model.
> What is the current Best Practice or even Good Advice? :-)
> Pros and cons for jQuery or extjs or something else?
> A good "How To" or a pointer to a write up?
> Thanks,
> jdl

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