David, thanks for that.  I ended up going for the simple HTML method
because, as you guessed, the SubmitField idea was a bit unwieldy for
my needs.

Thanks for your help!


On 20 Feb, 15:37, David De La Harpe Golden
<david.delaharpe.gol...@ichec.ie> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 06:42:11AM -0800, Tom wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a view that iterates over a queryset to produce a list of
> > items.  I have added a checkbox next to each item (from within the
> > template) and have multiple 'submit' buttons that will do different
> > things with the items selected.  For example, one button will delete
> > all the items selected.
> > My question is how can I detect which of the submit buttons has been
> > pressed?  Is there some property of 'request' that I can access that
> > will tell my view which action to peform on the selected items?
> That is more a html thing than a django thing.
> Non-stone-age browsers will pass  the particular submit button used
> for a form with multiple submits - and only that button - as only
> that button is  "successful" (IIRC old IE used to do some wierd/dumb
> thing involving the name and/or value but I've largely suppressed the
> memory...)
> http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2
> (aside: You'll also still come across some ancient html tutorials claiming
> forms are allowed exactly one submit button, that is 
> untrue)http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#submit-button
> i.e. given a POSTed form with two submit buttons
> <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel"/>
> <input type="submit" name="accept" value="Accept"/>
> Check request.POST.get('cancel') to see if cancel was clicked,
> and request.POST.get('accept') to see if accept was clicked.
> (remember someone curious can nonetheless construct a post request
> with both accept and cancel just to see if your server logic
> falls over in exploitable fashion)
> While django doesn't actually handle input type=submit for you,
> there are "SubmitField" snippets floating about. They may have advantages
> (e.g. form prefix handling, could in theory refuse to validate
> if more than one SubmitField of the form was successful from a
> malicious client, and maybe supply workarounds for that IE annoyance
> I only vaguely recollect),  but may be overkill - you could e.g.  just
> pass a "submit" dictionary down to the template, with a key and value
> to use as the name of various submit buttons (just to avoid
> hardcoding in the template) i.e. the above becomes (assuming you've
> stuck the submit dictionary on the form):
> <input type="submit" name="{{form.submit.cancel}}" value="Cancel"/>

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