Thanks Shawn - but James' talk is exactly what got me into this
mess :-)
I'm aware of the possibility of specifying the model to be used as a
default kw arg in views etc. But I want all my models to become 'owner
aware'. approaches the
model's extension from the other side: it has a Permission class with
content_type/id pointers to the relevant object. Unfortunately
permissions are not checked/handed out automatically, but at least
this solves the model problem to some extend.

Will keep everyone posted, I'm not quite there yet... help is very

On Feb 22, 2:36 am, Shawn Milochik <> wrote:
> Check out James Bennett's DjangoCon 2008 talk on reusable apps. He goes into 
> some detail on how he made django-registration in such a way that it wasn't 
> necessary to require a specific model in order for it to work. I haven't 
> implemented anything this reusable myself so I can't really give you much, 
> but you could do worse than checking out the work of one of the core 
> developers of Django.
> In addition, the actual app is here, for your reading pleasure:
> Shawn

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