(Disclamor: I am new to Python/Django.  Used to PHP/MVC ways of doing

I want to customize the admin view, because it already does >50% of
what I want for my application.

So, do I...

1. Alter the HTML sent to the template?

One of the first things I want to do is add an AJAX onclick record
detail display below the built-in change_list view.  So, I started by
thinking I need to add an onclick attribute or at least a <tr> id to
the HTML that is rendered for the result_list block in the change_list
template.  This got me sniffing around django.contrib.admin.views.main
and other files and I soon felt like I was barking up the wrong tree.

2. Traverse the DOM on domready?

Then SmileyChris on #django suggested I add JS to traverse the DOM in
order to add my onclick attribute.  So I thought, okay, now I need to
learn the right way to write javascript for Django.  So I entered the
keyword "javascript" in the Django documentation search field, and the
results were not very satisfying.  Then I checked djangobook.com and
found a tiny section called "Custom JavaScript" in chapter 17.  I
thought, "great, I'll just window.addEvent('domready', function()
{ var changelist = document.getElementById('changelist')}); and go
from there."  But, no dice.  No 'changelist' node on domready.  I
don't get it.

So I spent the rest of the day googling and banging my head trying to
figure out how Django deals with Javascript.  The best I found were
some links to random blogs like:
But I kept searching because I thought learning how to work with
javascript/AJAX in Django must certainly be in the core documentation
somewhere, not in a random blog.  Am I missing something?

So, is the right way to extend and admin view with AJAX one of the
above methods I mentioned?

Is the authoritative Django documentation for how to work with
javascript/AJAX a blog like 

Am I already going down the wrong path because, even though the admin
code does >50% of what I want my app to do, I should not be
customizing the admin code to build my app.

Thanks in advance for any tips.

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