Here's some code that I wrote a few days ago:

class MyModel(models.Model):
    #various fields and stuff here

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.slug:
            self.slug = self.make_slug()
        super(Project, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def make_slug(self):
        """ Create a (unique) slug from """
        sanitized = re.sub("(?i)[^a-z0-9_-]", "_",
#remove non-alpha-numeric-underscore-hyphen chars
        sanitized = re.sub("^_|_$", "", sanitized) #remove underscores
from start/end cos they look dumb
        while("__", sanitized)): #remove double underscores
cos they look dumb
            sanitized = re.sub("__", "_", sanitized)
        #now make sure that it's unique:
#if it's not unique
            current_number_suffix_match ="\d+$", sanitized)
#get the current number suffix if there is one
            current_number_suffix = current_number_suffix_match and or 0
            next = str(int(current_number_suffix) +1) #increment it,
and turn back to string so re.sub doesn't die
            sanitized = re.sub("(\d+)?$", next, sanitized) #replace
current number suffix with incremented suffix, try again...
        return sanitized

That should do exactly what you're after.
Adam Alton

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