On Mar 16, 4:58 am, hk <hera...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi
> Ive just started experiencing DJango i am an undergrad student i was
> given a Django project on which to extend functionality but after
> installing all the necessary apps for it but  i cant seem to run it
> i get "Database wit does not exist " (wit is the database for this
> proj but i dont if i should make it in postrgres or ??,i tries making
> it and then i got other errors)
> im working in Linux
> im sure there is a simple way and that im just overcomplicating things
> What can i do to run this project?
> kind regards
> hk


    Is PostGIS already set up on that server? If so, verify that the
table was created from the template_postgis template.

   Just a wild guess. Hope it helps.  :D


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