> I think it is a path problem, since the /polls/ part of the running site
> can't find views and the /admin part can't find views.
> I'm looking into why buildout would leave the pythonpath incomplete
> and think it is just a buildout.cfg problem.  The same site structure worked
> in a non-buildout form.

Yes, this sounds like a simple library path problem. Did you provide a
setup.py for your cottagematic_com app so that Buildout could find it?
Did you declare a dependency on cottagematic_com in the package list
for your buildout config?

It can be difficult to get Django set-up with Buildout, since the
Django tutorial doesn't follow Python packaging conventions yet. In a
pinch, you could try just exporting your packages location onto

export PYTHONPATH=/home/john/WEBprojects/cottagematic_bld/

(or where ever your python source tree lives)

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