Le samedi 27 mars 2010 14:39:40, Thierry Chich a écrit :
> Hello all
> I have a problem to understand something. I could find some workaround
>  easily, but I don't want it. I want to understand.
> So this if the situation. I have a modelForm (MyModelForm) that is build on
>  a model (MyModel) with one field mandatory (domaine - and it is a
>  Foreignkey). I don't want to show it to the user. I want it set in the
>  program
> I wrote this code in my view:
> if request.method == 'POST'
>         obj=MyModel()
>         obj.domaine=request.session.get("domaine")
>         form=MyModelForm(request.POST,instance=obj)
>       if form.is_valid():
>            obj.save()
Smal mistake: it is form.save(), but it doesn't change nothing about the 
problem. It never enter in this cond. form is not valid.
> I was thinking that since obj already contain a 'domaine', it will not
> complaining, but it is not the case. the form is considered as no valid
> because of the domaine field. It is really disturbing for two reason:
> 1) with the debugger, I clearly see the domaine object in obj. I also see a
> form.fieds.domaine that looks great.
> 2) In an other part, that work this time, I have something pretty similar.
>  I modified an obj already existant

Forget this point. It doesn't work. i don't know why. A regression, I 
believe....  So the idea doesn't seems work at all. If somebody know why ...

> if request.method == 'POST':
>         obj=get_object_or_404(MyModel,id=id)
>         form=MyModelForm(request.POST,instance=obj)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             form.save()
> If some of you have an idea, I would be thanksfull.
> Thierry

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