
Programmers can spend a lot of time developing a nice index, and a
database can spend many cycles rebalancing it...

...all to see a stray "refactor" blow that index away, by changing a
generated SELECT, forcing the database to skip the index.

To catch that issue, before soak test time, I invented an assertion
which converts a QuerySet into SQL, calls EXPLAIN on it, and inspects
the result for tell-tale signatures:

        query, report = \
          self.assert_compliant_sql( Order.objects.all(),
sqlite3=dict( TableLock='orders_order' ),
                              mysql=dict( key='awesome_index' ) )

        self.assert_regex_contains('ORDER BY.*purchasedate', query)

Note the assertion takes one batch of "matchers" per database engine.
This permits you to TDD using SQLite3, and integration-test with
MySQL, or Brand X.

Note also the assertion returns its findings, so you can continue to
apply assertions to it.

My TODO list is:

 - optional Django 1.2
 - optional not_ prefix on the matchers (not_type='ALL' !)
 - handle ? escapers
 - squeak if you match a field not appearing in EXPLAIN's output

The source appears below my sig (where I am aware archivers might trim

Warning: Per my other thread, calling EXPLAIN on an a SQLite3
connection seems to scramble it. Not sure why, but I don't care,
because one should not use SQLite3 in production.


def assert_compliant_sql(self, qs, **kw):
    from django.conf import settings
    query = qs.query.as_sql()[0]  #  TODO  deal with ? escapers
    from django.db import connection
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # TODO cursor = connections[qs.db].cursor()
    cursor.execute('EXPLAIN ' + query)

    report = cursor.fetchall()
    engine = settings.DATABASE_ENGINE
    expect = kw.get(engine, None)
    fail = {}

    def _regex_in(regex, array):
        import re
        for element in array:
            if, element):
                return True
        return False

    if expect:
        if engine == 'sqlite3':
            for row in report:
                expectation = expect.get(row[1], None)

                if expectation:
                    if not _regex_in(expectation, row[2:]):
                        fail[row[1]] = expectation
            field_names = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]

            for key, value in expect.items():
                at = field_names.index(key)   #  TODO  squeak if it
ain't there

                if not _regex_in(value, zip(*report)[at]):
                    fail[key] = value

        if fail:
            from pprint import pformat
            results = 'EXPLAIN ' + query + '\n\n' + pformat(report)

            msg = results + '\n\n fails to match, for the ' + engine +
' engine:\n' + \
            raise AssertionError(msg)

    return (query, report)

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