#1 This can be done. One to Many and foreign keys shows up in django
admin as
multiple choice or select box. You can also make foreign key related
inline meaning that you can add one or possibly multiple entries to
model and automatically reference them to the entry you are about to
in the current model.

#2 don't know.

#3 You can copy the django admin templates and customize them to your
I even think you can override them on a per model basis (not 100%
about that).

#4 I think that even if django-admin is asome. Even more impressive is
the design
of the frameworks api. When you want something more specific that
doesn't provide, you can quite easy create your own admin views. You
get great help
froms creation, validation etc.

#5 don't know.

Hope I could inspire you to make the jump to django / python.


On Apr 8, 12:15 pm, UnclaimedBaggage <baynej...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Long-time PHP/Zend user here who'd LOVE to switch to Python/Django for
> webdev work. I've just spent a few hours snooping around Django and
> really like what I see, but before I invest any real time in it I'd
> really appreciate some advice on if (or how easily) a few things can
> be done. My main concern is the flexibility of django-admin. I LOVE
> the feature, but I'm a little concerned about flexibility. Any
> suggestions on the following would be very appreciated:
> #1.) For usability's sake, I'd like to have foreign key models
> embedded in the same admin form as the model they're referencing. For
> example, if there's a "products" model with a one-to-many relationship
> to "product options", I'd like to add "product options" from within
> the "product" admin form. (Eg javascript adds another field each time
> all existing "product option" fields are filled out...or something).
> Anything that will help (or hurt)  me in trying to add this sort of
> functionality? Is this commonly done?
> #2.) Adding javascript to individual admin forms. Simple?
> #3.) Customising the HTML (not CSS) output of django-admin. For
> example, putting a thumbnailed image next to each product in the
> Admin-->Products table list. Simple?
> #4.) A lot of what I do is basic (but custom) e-commerce & CMS stuff.
> Django's CMS potential looks very solid, although I'm wondering if
> tacking on basic e-commerce features to django-admin could be a little
> cumbersome. Features such as basic order reports/stats etc don't seem
> to fit too freely into the django-admin approach. I'll also need to
> auto-create thumbnails from model.ImageField inputs. Easily doable?
> #5.) 'Convenience' form fields in admin forms. For example, a select
> box that lets you choose a parent category, which in turn presents a
> 'child category' select box, etc...or tree-structured checkboxes. I'm
> comfortable writing up the javascript, but from a quick inspection
> django-admin didn't seem to like the inclusion of select fields that
> weren't intended to interact with the model. Was this just my clumsy
> newbieness or is this going to be a problem?
> Many thanks - hope to be one of the django community soon. :-)
>  - Unclaimed Baggage

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