Le 16 avr. 2010 à 20:32, Carl Zmola <czm...@woti.com> a écrit :

2) Rewriting your views as classes is the modular way and probably the most flexible.

A nice trick with the use of inheritance is to make the class a callable

  def __call__(self, request, **kwargs):
      This method provides the view

Then you can instantiate the class and call it as if it were a method.


I didn't even know I could do it ! I have intensively use the @classmethod decorator.

and MyView can be used in your urls.py as if it were a normal view.

3) If you want to perform an action before every page is served, you can define middleware to do some processing. For instance you can make a whole site password protected very easily and not need a @login_required decorator. You just have to let the login and logout screens pass through the middleware.

This works if you really want to do the same thing for EVERY page.


On Apr 10, 11:38 pm, Thierry Chich<thierry.ch...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I have written my functions as méthods of classes. Then it allow to use inheritance.

Le 11 avr. 2010 à 05:58, ydjango<neerash...@gmail.com>  a écrit :

I find all my view method have identical code in start and in end:

anyway to avoid repetition...?


def typical_view_method(request):

  Check if user is authenticated.
  Get user and group
  Get some session variables

        Method specific logic
  except Exception, e:
        view_logger.error('error in typical_view_method:%s', e)

response = HttpResponse(json_data, mimetype = 'application/ json')
   response.__setitem__('Cache-Control', 'no-store,no-cache')
   response.__setitem__('Pragma', 'no-cache')
   response.__setitem__('Expires', '-1')
   return response

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Carl Zmola
301-562-1900 x315

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