On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 15:09:48 +0200
"MOKRANI Rachid" <rachid.mokr...@ifp.fr> wrote:

> Dl is installed on linux Redhat (CentOS) (2.6.18 x86_64) with apache
> 2.2.3 With my apache configuration I can use my ldap authentification
> (running on MS 2003 server)

Thanks, this is vital information I needed to know.

Simply use the suggested configuration:

<Directory /path>
        <Files admin.php>
                Order deny,allow
                Deny from All
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "DL Web Site: Login with user id"
                AuthBasicProvider ldap
                ... (add here your ldap config)

You can also use

<Location /dl/admin.php> instead of Directory+File, but you need to
ensure that apache's "MultiViews" is Off.

Note that you just need to protect the "admin.php" file, otherwise
people outside your department will not be able to download tickets
(unless this is what you want).

> Now it will be very very useful, if we can use internal AD for user
> access in place of "the Minimal setup"

Your original configuration should also work. Did you try to access the
page? You should be prompted for your AD user/password.

You don't need to complete the minimal user setup with this

Let me know.


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