I'm using AD authentification with DL Ticket. When we access to the dl
web page for authentification, the navigator open a popup windows and
ask to enter login and password. This popup is not very practice. And
the text of this popup is different beetween firefox/IE 6/IE7/IE 8 .
It should be very better if we can access to the same login web page
than classic user authentification if we use AD (we don't want popup
windows).  In this case a user will not have popup windows
authentification and he can acces to the DL service directly in the
login/passwd web page.
Yuri wrote me that "Authentication is performed inside
"include/auth.php". You can perform your AD query via php functions in
I don't have any skill in php  :-(

Is someone do that ? 
My dlticket.conf for AD authentification.
<Directory /var/www/html/htdocs>
AllowOverride All
        <Files admin.php>
                Order deny,allow
                Deny from All
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "DL Ticket"
                AuthBasicProvider ldap
                AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
<ldap://XX:XX/ou=XX,dc=XX,dc=XX?sAMAccountNAme?sub?(objectClass> =*)
                AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN on
                AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=XX,ou=XX,dc=XX,dc=XX"
                AuthLDAPBindPassword "XX"
                require valid-user
                Satisfy any

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