On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 08:30:45 +0200
"MOKRANI Rachid" <rachid.mokr...@ifpen.fr> wrote:

> > This would be very useful with the e-mail tracking patch that 
> > was sent some time ago in the mailing list. In general, a 
> > special ticket id is generated for each e-mail address, so 
> > you know exactly which person downloaded the file.
> I understand that it is possible to know who has downloaded a file when
> we create a ticket with multiple recipients.
> I also understand that each ticket has a unique number. I just tried
> with three recipients, but I have the same number for each ticket.
> If I send a ticket with multiples recipients as a...@aa.com, b...@bb.com,
> c...@cc.com I can know if my file was downloaded by a...@aa.com, and I know
> that b...@bb.com and c...@cc.com has not yet downloaded it.
> Is that correct?
> If that's how to do this?
> If this solution exists it responds to the concern of whois. Whois is
> not necessary.

I'm moving this discussion to the ml.

I definitely remember people sending me a patch for this, but I can't seem to 
find it. It was for a very old DL version though (0.3 or earlier) so the code 
won't apply anymore anyway.

The basic idea is correct though. Each "send-link-to" email would get a 
different ID, so that you can track who downloaded the ticket and who didn't.

I have already a plant to re-implement this on top of the new sources. My 
question to you is this though: how would you display who downloaded the ticket 
or not?

If you send the link to 3 persons, should I generate 3 tickets? Or just 1 
ticket that has 3 emails connected to it? In the latter case, how would you 
display it in the interface?

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