This patch set goes on top of Ben's set [1] for github issue 105 [2].

The first patch implements the remark I had on patch 2 on Ben's set, the 2nd
is a minor cleanup.

Patch 3 moves the sync_mpp() call from the beginning to the end of the
checkerloop, as suggested by Ben in [3]. If an inconsitency is found
(mpp->need_reload), we reload the map and schedule another sync for the
next tick (patch 4).

Patch 5 ff. reshuffle the code in checkerloop(). There is now one function,
checker_finished(), that takes all actions that need to be done with the vecs
lock taken after the checkers have finished. checkerloop() enters this
function immediately when the checkers have finished, without dropping and
re-acquiring the vecs lock. The map reload logic is completely handled in this

The various _tick() functions don't loop over mpvec any more; they are now
just called for a single mpp, and they simply return true if a map reload is
required.  The actual reload action differs: if missing_uev_wait_tick()
requests a reload, it needs to be a full update_map() (which calls
adopt_paths()), whereas in the other cases, reload_and_sync_map() is sufficient.
Patch 12 changes the reload action for the ghost delay tick.

Patch 13 removes maps if that are not found in the kernel any more. This
obsoletes the map garbage collector. Unlike the logic in v1, we won't remove
maps on arbitrary error conditions any more.

Changes v1 -> v2:

Removed patch 3 and 4 of v1 and replaced them by an alternative approach.
Instead of allowing map and path removal in the checker loop, the kernel sync
is moved towards the end.

Patch 5 ff. in v1 contained a bug in the new checker_finished() function.
If one "tick" function returned true, the other might not be executed any
more. In v2, all tick functions are executed, and the action to be taken is
selected according to the combined results.  Also, we won't call
reload_and_sync_map() when we've already called update_map().

Patch 13 is new in v2. Patch 8 from v1 has been moved after patch 13.

(In the thread following the review of v1, I mistakenly wrote about an
upcoming "v4" of this patch set. That was wrong, I meant this v2 here).

Reviews & comments welcome.



Martin Wilck (14):
  multipathd: don't reload map in update_mpp_prio()
  multipathd: remove dm_get_info() call from refresh_multipath()
  multipathd: sync maps at end of checkerloop
  multipathd: quickly re-sync if a map is inconsistent
  multipathd: move yielding for waiters to start of checkerloop
  multipathd: add checker_finished()
  multipathd: move "tick" calls into checker_finished()
  multipathd: don't call reload_and_sync_map() from
  multipathd: move retry_count_tick() into existing mpvec loop
  multipathd: don't call update_map() from missing_uev_wait_tick()
  multipathd: don't call udpate_map() from ghost_delay_tick()
  multipathd: only call reload_and_sync_map() when ghost delay expires
  multipathd: remove non-existent maps in checkerloop
  multipathd: remove mpvec_garbage_collector()

 libmultipath/structs.h     |   2 +-
 libmultipath/structs_vec.c |   1 -
 multipathd/main.c          | 287 +++++++++++++++----------------------
 3 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)


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