On Wed, 2018-01-17 at 21:50 -0600, Benjamin Marzinski wrote:

> Now, I don't see how this could cause a boot to fail since this is a
> new
> device that isn't getting set up, but I really never test this,
> because
> when we create the initramfs in RedHat based distros, we edit the
> multipath.conf file in it to blacklist all devices except those
> needed
> by the initramfs.

I'm a bit puzzled. It's against my personcal conviction that the
blacklist must be the same between initrd and root FS. How do you
prevent LVM or other layers grabbing blacklisted devices during
initramfs processing, so that they can't be multipathed any more later?


Dr. Martin Wilck <mwi...@suse.com>, Tel. +49 (0)911 74053 2107
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