Covering the stuff Dave didn't cover:

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Jim Fenton <> wrote:

> Top of page 6: "The receiver reports to the domain owner..."  The
> receiver actually sends reports to a report receiver designated by the
> domain owner.


> 2.4 Out of Scope
> I still find the double negatives to be confusing, e.g., "DMARC will not
> make a distinction...".  It's the making of a distinction that's out of
> scope, not the not making a distinction (forgive my own double negative,
> please!).

That text is apparently gone.

> Bullet 10: Again, DMARC doesn't do authentication, even for domains; it
> relies on other authentication mechanisms.
> 3. Terminology and Definitions
> Domain Owner: This definition refers to the domain owner as being the
> registrant of a DNS domain. But as used elsewhere in the spec, it can
> also be a delegate of that registrant that is given control over a
> subdomain. The document frequently refers to a domain owner publishing a
> DMARC record, so it's worth clarifying who has that capability.
> Report Receiver: "reports about the messages claiming to be from a third
> party"  We're talking about the reports here, not the messages
> themselves, so I would suggest "reports from a third party about their
> messages".

Fixed and fixed.

> 3.1.2 General Concepts
> Paragraph 2: "provide feedback to the Domain Owner". Should this say a
> Report Receiver designated by the Domain Owner, or is that too much
> information at this point?


> Paragraph 3 doesn't quite capture the sense of alignment properly,
> especially for SPF. A message that is authorized by SPF might have an
> unaligned envelope-from address, so the validity of SPF for such
> messages is moot.

This appears to have been rewritten already.

> 3.1.3 Flow Diagram
> Item 1: "Author constructs" and "Author also configures" -> "Domain
> Owner constructs" and "Domain Owner also configures" (I missed this last
> time)
> Item 7: 'e.g., a "pass" or "fail"'  Are there other results? If not,
> remove the e.g.

Fixed and fixed.

> 3.1.4 Identifier Alignment
> Paragraph 5: Although this document makes it clear that "strict" and
> "relaxed" are different from their usage in DKIM, I'm still having
> trouble with those words.  "strict" means that only this specific domain
> is affected; "relaxed" means that this domain and its subdomains are
> affected.  So "relaxed" is really more strict in that it enforces more.
> I find the terms to be confusing, and would recommend something that
> more directly describes whether the policy applies to subdomains.

Since we're documenting deployed infrastructure here, it's way too late to
be renaming these.

> DKIM-authenticated identifiers
> Paragraph 4: Include section reference (3.2) to public suffix lists
> since the section describing it has moved after this text.


> 5.2 General Record Format
> fo: A colon-separated list of options is supported, but 0 and 1 conflict
> with each other so that either needs to be prohibited or it needs to
> define which wins.

Previously addressed (Scott Kitterman brought it up).

> fo:d: "a signature": In the case of a message with multiple DKIM
> signatures, does that mean if any signature failed evaluation, a message
> is sent? Is a separate message sent for each failed signature?


> p:quarantine: What does "suspicious" mean? It sounds like it means
> something other than "place into spam folder" and "scrutinize with
> additional intensity"


> pct: "DMARC-generated reports...must be sent and received unhindered".
> How does one identity a DMARC-generated report to make sure it's
> unhindered, especially if a bad actor tries to make their messages look
> like reports?

The syntax of a DMARC report is defined elsewhere in the document.
Shouldn't it be easy to identify one?

> 5.3 Formal Definition
> dmarc-rfmt: Should allow a colon-separated list as described in 5.2.


> 7.2 Aggregate Reports
> The list of what SHOULD be in the reports seems like it belongs in the
> definitions of the report formats themselves.

The report formats, defined in MARF RFCs, present the syntax you would use
to report those values if you have them.  For DMARC, we're saying that all
of those are a SHOULD.

> 7.3 Failure reports
> Paragraphs 1 and 2 conflict -- it looks like a change to include [IODEF]
> in the text was incompletely applied.

Cleaned up.

> 7.3.1 Reporting Format Update
> "Operators implementing this specification also implement": Is that a
> SHOULD or MUST before "also implement"?

It's an implied MUST.  We're being trained lately that use of RFC2119 words
is not always mandatory.  In essence, this is saying "If you're a DMARC
site, this is what you do."

7.4 Utility of Failure Reports
> Paragraph 1: "detects an authentication failure" -> "detects a DMARC
> failure" (since authentication can succeed but DMARC fail because of
> alignment)

Fixed (new location).

> Paragraph 2 is not relevant to utility of failure reports and probably
> belongs in 7.3.1.

It's all been rearranged, and the new layout seems better.

> 8. Policy Discovery
> Step 3: This implicitly says that policy directly applied to a subdomain
> takes precedence over that published by an Organizational Domain. That's
> fine, but it should be stated more clearly elsewhere. As I said before,
> it would be helpful to have something earlier in the specification that
> talks about the ability to publish a policy either directly on a
> subdomain or on an Organizational Domain.

Isn't this clear from the definition of "sp:" in 5.3 (of -08)?

> Also, note that subdomain policies are necessarily strict (don't apply
> to subdomains of the subdomain) because they won't be discovered using
> this algorithm. It should say that somewhere do operators don't try to
> apply DMARC to subtrees of their organizational domain.

I'm a little confused by your example.  If I put a "p" and an "sp" tag at "", then "p" applies to and "sp" applies to *.  That seems clear from 5.3.  Are you suggesting saying that
there's no way to do policy hierarchies?

10.1 Extract author domain
> "Such messages SHOULD be rejected": Agree where forbidden by RFC5322,
> but a single RFC5322.From containing multiple entities is explicitly
> valid. Again, this isn't the place to be making fundamental changes to
> the behavior of email.

This has already been cleaned up.

> 11.2.3 Error Reports
> Last paragraph: If this is published as an independent submission RFC,
> there will be no opportunity to add something here.

What might one want to add?

14.4 Secure Protocols
> This seems like it belongs more in Security Consideration than here.


15.5 Identifier Alignment Considerations
> "DKIM signing practices" -> "DKIM selector records"


> Note that actors that can gain control of SPF records or selectors can
> probably publish a DMARC record for the subdomain as well, which will
> take precedence over the record at the Organizational Domain.
> Last paragraph: What does "strict" have to do with this?

If you set "strict" on, you remove any ability for someone
that's compromised from generating mail that will pass

> 17.3 DNS Security
> Might want to make a distinction between DNSSEC publication and
> resolution. Publication is relevant to Domain Owners, and third-party
> Report Receivers. DNSSEC-aware resolution is relevant to Mail Receivers
> and Report Receivers.


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