On 5/7/2015 4:27 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
On May 7, 2015 3:54:55 PM EDT, Hector Santos <hsan...@isdg.net> wrote:
Since 05/2014, I have published DMARC records for several of my
domains. Our mail receivers supports ATPS (rev04) where "atps=y" tag
extension was added to my records. For example, for my non-corporate,
"play around" domain isdg.net, I have:

   "v=DMARC1; p=none; atps=y; rua=mailto:dmarc-...@isdg.net;

ATPS draft rev04 was written as a ADSP extension.  With Rev05 and the
final ATPS rfc6541, ATPS was made an extension off the DKIM record
instead, not ADSP.

What I did was added ATPS support to the DMARC record as an 3rd party
Extension allowed by DMARC.

I am happy to report that after two years, there is no indication for
an interop problem.  The unknown tag to non-supported ATPS receivers
does not interfere with the DMARC processing.   The reports received
come from a wide number of domains.

I am also happy to report that the concept works very well in
authorizing third party resigners using the ATPS (rev04) protocol.
Here is an actual Auth-Res for a list message ietf.org resigner.  I
put a divider line for better viewing:

Authentication-Results: dkim.winserver.com;
  dkim=pass header.d=ietf.org header.s=ietf1 header.i=ietf.org;
  adsp=pass policy=all author.d=isdg.net asl.d=ietf.org;
  dmarc=pass policy=none author.d=isdg.net signer.d=ietf.org (atps
  dkim=fail (DKIM_BODY_HASH_MISMATCH) header.d=isdg.net header.s=tms1
  adsp=pass author.d=isdg.net signer.d=isdg.net (originating signer);
  dmarc=pass policy=none author.d=isdg.net signer.d=isdg.net
(originating signer);

The first bottom triplet results are for the original signature. It
fails the DKIM signature with a body hash mismatch. Both ADSP and
DMARC pass as original signers (author == signer). In reality, if the
rejection switch was enabled, this should be a FAIL because the
signature is invalid.

However, for the ietf.org list resigner triplet results, it passed as
an ADSP ASL resigner and ATPS record resigner  (author != signer).

DKIM/ATPS (rev05) is part our Wildcat! SMTP component in our
commercial Application Hosting package used by customers in the field.

I think it's wrong to describe that as a DMARC result.  For DMARC as specified, 
that's a fail.

Oh, you mean, there should be a "atps=" auth-result? oK, I can buy that but then again the AUTH-RES is for internal consumption not external, having it a single source result to a DMARC result reader, would be ok.

Nonetheless, the end result is the same, the ATPS would authorized the resigner. No other DKIM signature related changes need.


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