On 05/17/2016 12:53, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> The charter enumerates three tracks, the first of which appears to allow
> discussion of new protocols; in particular, one might argue that ARC is
> a "form of DKIM signature that is better able to survive transit through
> intermediaries".  However, in the second track, it says "The working
> group will not develop additional mail authentication technologies, but
> may document authentication requirements that are desirable", and there
> are chunks of ARC that are clearly new.  (Having now implemented ARC, I
> can attest that there was enough new code needed that I would call it
> "new".)

Seems to me you've identified a contradiction in the charter, rather
than an objection to developing ARC...

> I have an unreleased implementation of that.  It also more easily
> qualifies under our charter, IMHO.  I think we should at least allow
> discussion of that one.

Why wouldn't we discuss that, or other proposals?


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