On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 12:58 AM, Martijn van der Lee <
martijn=40dmarcanalyzer....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> This is more in regards to the Recommended Usage draft than the ARC spec
> itself (and possibly this has been answered elsewhere before).
> Is a message sender allowed (or perhaps even advised) to be part of the
> ARC chain as the first set of the chain?

Allowed = yes; advised = no

The protocol was explicitly designed to require no changes on the part of
the initiating ADMD. It is only for intermediary ADMDs, and especially
those which do or may change the message in some fashion (that impacts
authentication mechanisms). Sort of by definition (SPF-wise), that would
include all intermediaries, but we mainly have in mind those which break
the validity of the DKIM signature(s).

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