On Mon 17/Aug/2020 11:46:55 +0200 Laura Atkins wrote:
> The forum page is off the FTC website, but the document links are 
> still accessible:

A copy is here:

A sentence says:

    The Report, however, identified domain-level authentication as a
    promising technological development that would enable Internet
    Service Providers (‘‘ISPs’’) and other domain holders to better
    filter spam, and that would provide law enforcement with a potent
    tool for locating and identifying spammers.

> https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_events/ftc-spam-forum/transcript_day1.pdf
> https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_events/ftc-spam-forum/transcript_day2.pdf
> https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_events/ftc-spam-forum/transcript_day3.pdf

Thanks.  Let me quote a paragraph by Paul Q. Judge, from the 3rd pdf:

    It doesn't require that one day everyone turns it on and we begin
    to drop the rest of the e-mail and break e-mail.  If a domain
    decides to turn it on, then they've prevented forgery for their
    domain and they're protected.  For persons that have not turned it
    on, then their e-mail still flows but they are not able to
    stop people from forging messages from their domain.  So, I think
    it's something useful and can be deployed incrementally.

It seems we're still stuck midstream...


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