In article <> you write:
>If tree walking is a thing that comes to fruition, what does it mean for a 
>domain to be an organizational
>domain (in reference to the idea that the DMARC spec will just point to 
>another doc to determine the org
>domain)?  Aren't all parent domains org domains of their children?  Or is 
>there something special about
>the "top" org domain that I'm not understanding?

If we switch to a tree walk I would expect that rather than a formal
org domain we'd call it parent default or something like that, meaning
the next name up the tree that has a DMARC record.

The semantics are definitely not the same. You now can put a DMARC
record on a name below the org domain to shadow a subtree, but I don't
think that is a problem that needs to be solved.

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