On April 19, 2023 1:37:25 PM UTC, Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com> wrote:
>> On 19 Apr 2023, at 14:20, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
>> It appears that Jesse Thompson  <z...@fastmail.com> said:
>>> -=-=-=-=-=-
>>> On Mon, Apr 17, 2023, at 8:37 AM, Laura Atkins wrote:
>>>> Should the IETF make the interoperability recommendation that SaaS 
>>>> providers who send mail on behalf of companies support
>>> aligned authentication? That means custom SPF domains and custom DKIM 
>>> signatures. 
>>>> And if they can’t, then do we make a different recommendation regarding 
>>>> spoofed mail that evades a company’s DMARC policy?
>>> +1 to this question. It's entirely unclear to ESPs whether they're allowed 
>>> to spoof a domain that has no DMARC policy. ESPs
>>> can furthermore conclude that Domain Owners who publish p=reject|quarantine 
>>> are violating DMARCbis, and subsequentlly the
>>> domain's policy declaration is invalid, and can be ignored.
>> Please see my previous comment about trying to enumerate every dumb thing 
>> people might do.
>> I very strenuously do not want us trying to guess how ESPs think nor 
>> offering them advice beyond
>> the interop advice we offer everyone else.
>That was my question: is it an interop issue that ESPs (whether they be your 
>traditional ESP or a SaaS provider that sends mail on behalf of their 
>customers) cannot support custom domains in the SPF and DKIM and thus cannot 
>support DMARC? Many of the current companies have made the decision that 
>supporting DMARC is too hard, and so what they do is use their own domain for 
>DMARC (some publish restrictive polices and some don’t). 
>> In this specific case, if the company publishes p=reject, and they hire an 
>> ESP, and the company
>> is too inept to figure out how to let the ESP send aligned mail, well, yeah, 
>> then the company's
>> actual policy is clearly not their published policy, and the ESP can do 
>> whatever it wants.  So
>> let's not go there.
>To me it’s not so much the company can’t delegate authentication - it’s how 
>many SaaS providers (some of which are ESPs and some of which are 3rd parties 
>that send through ESPs) are incapable of supporting DMARC alignment. Not it’s 
>hard, not it’s challenging, but simply … can’t. They cannot sign with foreign 
>DKIM domains, and they cannot support different domains for SPF 
>Should DMARCbis make the recommendation that if you are providing mail 
>services that you SHOULD be able to support corporate customers using DMARC? 
No.  I don't think so, certainly not in DMARCbis.

There may be room for an email authentication BCP and this might fit in there, 
but I think that's something to think about after we get the current work done.

The current DKIM working group topic might also be something that should be 
addressed in such a BCP.

Scott K

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