On Sun 23/Apr/2023 19:20:06 +0200 Hector Santos wrote:
On 4/23/2023 6:10 AM, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

Meanwhile, digressions about ATPS and similar schemes can help casting some light on future evolution.  From: rewriting cannot be the final solution; it is a temporary hack.  Digressions don't slow down the publication, as discussions about actual text quickly prevail.  They are just a mean to help convergence toward a common vision of the future.

With each year, that "temporary hack" becomes the new normal and it will be harder to clean up. It is not the right way and I don't  its too late to reverse.  However, it has been 17 years and DMARCbis is not finished without some clean up in this area.

First, Section 4.4.3 should have text on using extended tag methods to provide 3rd party authorization methods.  Just add the RFC 6541 abstract or version of it:

Proposing to add text to DMARCbis about 3rd party auth is not a digression. We cannot solve the problem before publishing DMARCbis. The text to add to DMARCbis can mention that From: rewriting will fade out, but cannot say how. (This is not a rule, just a scheduling requirement.)


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