On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 9:21 PM Hector Santos <hsan...@isdg.net> wrote:

> All the best,
> Hector Santos
> On Sep 13, 2023, at 8:51 PM, Dotzero <dotz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 5:28 PM Hector Santos <hsan...@isdg.net> wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2023, at 9:24 AM, Dotzero <dotz...@gmail.com> chastised
>> Douglas Foster
>> Absolutely incorrect. DMARC is a deterministic pass|fail approach based
>> on validation through DKIM or SPF pass (or if both pass). It says nothing
>> about the acceptability/goodness/badness of a source.
>> So why are we here?
> Because you care?
> I do.
>> Correct or incorrect, a published p=reject has to mean something to the
>> verifier who is doing the domain a favor by a) implementing the protocol
>> and b) the goal of eliminating junk.   If there are false negatives, whose
>> fault is that?  The Domain, The Verifier or the Protocol?
> DMARC does one thing and one thing only. It mitigates against direct
> domain abuse in a deterministic manner, nothing else. It doesn't stop spam
> and it doesn't depend on or involve reputation. It is but one tool among a
> number of tools that various parties can choose from. A message passing
> DMARC validation does not mean the message is "good". There is no question
> of fault. Perhaps you should recommend changes to incorporate a blame game
> if your goal is to determine fault.
> Deterministic means there is no question -  you follow the protocol. Your
> (speaking in general) opinions don’t matter.

It means that the output of the algorithm is deterministic. It does not
mean that the receiver blindly act on that output. As has been stated many
times by many people, a policy assertion is a request by the sending domain
administrator/owner, not a mandate. That is why local policy on the part of
the receiver overrides a sender policy assertion.

Michael Hammer
dmarc mailing list

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