On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 5:33 AM Seth Blank <seth=
40valimail....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> As Chair, Douglas, again, what operational issue per charter are you
> trying to address, and where is your suggested text to address?

I agree, this far exceeds DMARC's charter.  None of this to say the topic
is not one worth exploring, but it is simply (and very clearly) outside of
the remit of this working group.

There are some rumblings afoot to push for creation of a working group with
a broader email authentication scope.  Wei has also advocated for such.  At
IETF 118 in Prague there were other ideas floated for working groups of
broader scope.  But until such a venue becomes a reality, this sort of
discussion is yet another distraction from an already strained (nine years
and counting!) set of deliverables.

Please stay on target.

-MSK, ART Area Director
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