Seth Blank wrote on 2024-03-28 02:09:
What is your point / the information you find relevant here to WGLC of the bis project?

To me, the data confirms that the schema matches with how the reports are being sent in practice. This includes in part the lesser known fields, which are all being utilized, except for the error field in my data.

The support for a DKIM <result>none</result> seems unnecessary to me and introduces two ways of encoding the same information. But as people are using it, so be it.

It's worth mentioning that the pre-RFC7489 schema is still being used and won't go away anytime soon.

I also find it interesting that the org_name is often being used as hostname, which for larger service providers can lead to dozens or hundreds of separate, deaggregated report sources.

We do many times this volume in a single day and are happy to share top line stats.

Do you have an indication what the error field is being used for, if at all?


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