Colleagues, Now that IETF Last Call has expired for DMARCbis, there is further work to be done to produce the next revision (rev -37). I would like to publish a new rev before the end of 2024, so here is my plan as editor for that work...
First, I would request a PAUSE on the "Secdir last call review of draft-ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis-36" thread and its various permutations. Dr. Clayton and Messrs, Kivinen and Vesely have put forth some suggestions for text changes in those threads, and while as a participant I don't agree with many of them, as editor it's my job to capture consensus in the document. Therefore, my plan for this thread is to engage those three off list to come up with a cogent proposal to present on-list to the working group so that consensus can be achieved (or not) and we can move forward. I will reach out to them this weekend to start this process, with a goal of posting this proposal to the list by the middle of next week. There are several other threads that arose as part of IETF Last Call that propose straightforward changes to the text (typos and whatnot) and for those, I will create issues in Github so that they can be tracked. All discussion for those issues should happen here on the list, and not in Github, please. Those issues will be created this weekend as well. Thank you for reading, and look for those follow-on messages regarding the above issues coming to a mailbox near you soon. -- Todd Herr Some Guy in VA LLC 703-220-4153 Book Time With Me:
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