On 12/12/24 18:23, Daniel K. wrote:
> I believe I've included every bit of knowledge from the old text. It is
> currently formatted for ease of editing, for me, so please do not pay
> too much attention to all the seemingly extra empty lines. This version
> also adds the "generator" element that's been discussed.

I've rendered a version based on an updated version, see:


or, if you prefer:


Read from the end of section 2.1, after the last bullet list.

The source is here:

> I'm planning to:
> * Incorporate/move comments from the XSD to here.

I have a bit left here, but it's mostly in shape.

> * Explore the format used in the dmarcbis,

Abandoned, I opted for a list/bullet style as explained in the second
paragraph of 2.1.1.

> * Double check all references for copy/paste mistakes.
> * Make a final version that actually renders well.

More eyes needed, I'll polish this if the general direction this is
going is deemed OK.

Daniel K.

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